In his well-known experiment in Cologne cathedral, Foucault demonstrated that the plane of a pendulum swing retains a fixed orientation, even when its support frame is rotating. 佛科摆是一个很有名的实验,当佛科摆外面的金属框即使转动时,佛科摆仍保持一定方向摆动。
The plane of cell division is, in turn, determined by the orientation of the mitotic spindle. 细胞分裂的方向又是由有丝分裂的纺锤体所确定。
The main ways to acquire the spatial state parameters of the texture plane of orientation core are the restoration measure, drawing solution and formula computation for the present. 目前获取定向岩心结构面空间状态参数的方法主要有复位实测法、作图求解法和公式计算法。
The principles of computer methods in determination of fold hinge, axial plane, type of π fabric and in classification of fold orientation are discussed. 本文介绍了求解褶皱枢纽及轴面,确定π组构类型和褶皱位态分类的计算机方法原理,程序使用方法(资料收集、程序操作步骤等)和效果。
It also expounds the direction view corresponding problems and right drawing method such as the expansion method of projective plane of the direction view, projection orientation and expressions. 阐述了向视图的投影面展开方法,投射方向及其表示方式等向视图的相关问题与向视图的正确画法;
HREM image has shown that the ( 200) plane of cubic crystal lattice was the predominant growth orientation. 高分辨电镜揭示了晶体的(200)面是优势生长晶面。
After the amorphous stabilized fiber was carbonized at medium-temperatuer carbonization temperature, the ladder segments condense into the poly-cyclic planes or carbon basal plane. Their reorganization bring the formation of the relative order region with axial orientation. 非晶的预氧丝经中低温碳化后,线形链段裂解,梯形链段缩聚形成尺寸极小的多环平面或碳基面,重排后形成沿轴向取向的相对有序区,分布于非晶间。